Specialist Product Insight: Full Metal Jacket Ultra
Our next Specialist Product Insight (SPI) focuses on Full Metal Jacket Ultra™ (FMJ Ultra™), a quick-drying, cost effective coating for truck beds and trailers, which can provide protection no matter what load you are carrying. Find out all you need to know here.
If you need the toughest protection possible, you need Full Metal Jacket – and no, we’re not talking about the Stanley Kubrick film. Full Metal Jacket Ultra™ is a pure polyurea thermoplastic elastomeric coating for truck beds and trailers, which has been specifically designed to offer outstanding performance, quick application, fast setting times and notable cost savings.
The secret behind the success of FMJ Ultra™ is a unique technology which actually means the bond gets stronger over time – and all without the need for extensive surface preparation.
It is formulated using SPI’s cutting-edge Ultra Bond™ technology, which is known by many as the “the duct tape molecule” because it gains adhesion strength over time just like every DIYers favorite tape. And with Ultra-Bond™ there is no need for sanding, abrading or chemical-etching the bedliner surface, which can be expensive and very time-consuming.
Another benefit of FMJ Ultra™ is that it can be applied in a much thinner coating compared to other leading brands. With a minimum application thickness of 90 mils and a complete drying time of just 12 hours – half the time it takes for other leading brands to set – FMJ Ultra™ is tack free in just five seconds. What’s more, you can expect to save approximately one gallon of coating per bedliner, which can add up to a substantial saving if you manage a large fleet – especially when you consider FMJ Ultra™ is notably cheaper per gallon compared to its competitors anyway.
Impressed? You should be.
Choose FMJ Ultra™ and you can take advantage of:
- High-performance coating for bedliners
- Quick application to save time and cost
- Unrivalled physical properties and performance credentials
- Comprehensive replacement warranty
- Outstanding value for money
- Service temperature of between -50OC and + 121O
To find out more about Full Metal Jacket Ultra™ please get in touch.